Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8th Happy Thoughts!

1.) Today seemed like the perfect and much needed day to write down the 5 things that made me happy/grateful for today. It seemed to be an extremely stressful day to the point where I found myself saying, "Just get through today and tomorrow will be better." This turned out to be very comforting and got me through all the curve balls of the day. When I found out that I am going to have to stay up here Spring Semester for one class, I realized that it was my own fault for not taking that class sooner and I also realized that Heavenly Father has been blessing me with many job opportunities to help pay for the extra rent and class that I otherwise would not have to spend money on. There are blessings around every corner. You sometimes just don't realize it.

2.) I then went to my drama class and the teacher said that my lesson plan was nearly perfect and that she had to be truly nit-picky to find even one slight error. I was grateful for her compliments and it made me have hope in my teaching career.

3.) I then went to the MTC where I spilt two entire trays of pickles and the entire kitchen area smelled. This was not the best way to end the shift but I stopped and realized that the situation was actually funny. I was able to clean up the mess, laugh it off, and a girl gave me a ride back to campus which was yet another blessing so that I wouldn't have to walk in the rain. Yay!

4.) I next went to work for an hour and got a lot accomplished and realized that I had a quiz in my next class that I hadn't even looked at. Lovely! I faced it though, and I actually got quite a few right because the teacher was lenient and a girl in the health class gave everyone smoothies. They were delicious and I was blessed yet again with everything I needed.

5.) Finally I went to FHE where we had a service auction and I won chocolate chip pumpkin cookies from some girls in the ward (my favorite kinds of cookies) and also a dessert from the 2nd Counselor's wife. I can't wait to eat them after Thanksgiving! (I have given up sugar until Thanksgiving). :) It has been hard but totally worth it. I have discovered will power I never knew I had.

So overall, I have an amazing life and I am being blessed in ways I never thought possible. I am so excited to see what tomorrow will bring.

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