Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27th Happy Thoughts!

1.) Today at work we seemed to laugh a lot. There were just a lot of funny moments and it made me appreciate my job even more. Just talking to my bosses puts a smile on my face and their kids are hilarious too! I am so blessed to have this job for the summer.

2.) After work I came home and Orinda and I set out on our 4 mile run. Bad part was the wind was against us, good part is now we feel like we ran 400 miles hahaha. We are both completely sore and we know that that is a good thing. Hopefully next time will be easier.

3.) We then both took showers had a nice dinner once again, and then curled up on the couch.

4.) Tonight we watched "Young Victoria" which is a type of documentary of Queen Victoria's life. Well at least her marriage. It truly was a fairytale and it was nice to have a face with the history. It was a very enjoyable movie, a great romance.

5.) During the movie we had a very odd visitor. At about 9 o'clock, we had a knock on our door and luckily my dad answered it. We were all in the background joking that it would be funny if it were a scary person, and it actually turned out to be a drunk man. haha Luckily we was not dangerous by any means, only to himself and also Orinda is friends with the cops in Saint Johns and so she just texted one of them and they came and found the man roaming the streets. Hopefully he can sleep it off and learn from this mistake. :) What an exciting night at the Herring home hahaha

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