Friday, March 26, 2010

March 25th Happy Thoughts!

1.) I turned in my doctrinal analysis, now I only have two more papers to write this semester! Yay!

2.) I took my human development test and got a 90%! I was so excited to finally get an A!

3.) I went to the library with Anna haha (another Anna) and we worked on our research papers together. It really helped to have someone to encourage me to buckle down and write.

4.) Okay, so tonight was such a fun night. First of all, Adam called me to ask me to go to "Casey at the Bat" I was excited and when he came to pick me up, he brought Sterling. "Huh?" I asked myself and I finally turned to the guys and said, "So what's going on?" They both started laughing hard and said, "Anna, we only had three tickets, so we are taking you on a date." Sweet! It was such a fun date and now I can say I have been on a date with two guys at the same time. Hmm... Maybe that is not such a good thing to be proud of, but I had fun. They are awesome guys!

5.) I had to go to work after the "double" date :) and we ended up working until 1:30 in the morning. Luckily I have fantastic co-workers.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog randomly so I thought I would congratulate you because you achieved 90%.
    A Hungarian
