Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24th Happy Thoughts!

1.) At work today, we did a TON of maintenance. It does sometimes get old, but I am glad that I have a job that I feel like I am being productive. The only thing that could make it better is if I were to be a little more busy. hmm... that doesn't seem right haha, but it is true.

2.) I got to go to Jamba Juice today. One word, Yum! I got a five fruit mix and I was in heaven. I loved it so much and I felt so healthy.

3.) I finished my Doctrine and Covenants paper! Yay! I am so glad that paper is over, now I only have two more papers this semester! :)

4.) Tonight Sterling came by to talk to Maurine and my copy of "Never Been Kissed" was sitting on the table. Well, he happened to look at it and giggled, when asked what was wrong he said, "haha this says, "Anna Herring Never Been Kissed!" Needless to say, I was so embarrassed! He then went on to ask, "Personal question, is this true?" I blushed a little and said, "Yes". He then said, "No worries, I haven't either." haha My lovely roommate then said, "Aw, you two can share a First Love's True Love's Kiss!' haha long story short, I was embarrassed but I am glad I wasn't the only one. That awkward conversation actually turned into a funny moment for my entire apartment.

5.) My roommate made these amazing cookies tonight which reminds me, I need to go eat another one. :) Goodnight!

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