Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th Happy Thoughts!

1.) I slept in till 6:45 today which was wonderful, it seems very strange to me that 6:45 is considered sleeping in hahaha.

2.) While at work we got a new ice cream machine which came and made it very hard to focus on anything else ;). I withstood though and hopefully I can keep it up. My plan is to get one of these, once a month and that is it! :)

3.) When I got home I watched a scary show called, "Not Without My Daughter", it was so intense but of course had a happy ending, thank goodness!

4.) After this my mom and I watched "Dancing with the Stars". Yes, we both have secret dreams to be professional ballroom dancers, doesn't everyone? hahaha :)

5.) We then had a family home evening lesson on family traditions in the gospel and the importance of keeping them up. I am grateful for my family traditions and the unity they bring, like family scripture study and prayer, FHE, and even looking at the stars while listening to Josh Groban! :)

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