Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 22nd Happy Thoughts!

1.) I finished my second Human Development paper!

2.) Working from 10 to 4 and I am going to possibly get another permanent shift at work. This will be nice to have and will make my evenings less hectic.

3.) My ward talent show was amazing! My friends and I dressed up as the muses from Hercules and performed "I Won't Say". It was so much fun and everyone did a really great job. The funny part was when the fire alarm went off during the last number so we went outside, and waited till we could go back in. My bishop is a cute man and when asked if we should leave he replied with, "The crew on the Titanic stayed till it sunk" haha I love my ward.

4.) I got to go running with Kiara after getting a chocolate chip cookie and hot chocolate from the lodge, we have a great balance haha.

5.) I finally asked someone to preference. We are going to go to the Jane Austen dance and I asked Aaron Prado. It should be fun and I am excited now.

1 comment:

  1. Anna I just want to say that reading your blog makes my day better!
